Whole Home Dehumidifier System

Whole-Home Dehumidifier System

Every home needs humidity control for:


  • Eliminate sticky & stuffy air
  • Do away with cold and clammy air


  • Reduce allergy & asthma triggers
    • mold & mildew
    • dust mites

Energy Savings

  • Feel more comfortable at warmer temperatures
  • Stop over-cooling with air conditioning

Protection & Preservation

  • Prevent damage from mold & mildew
  • Protect wood floors & furniture from
    swelling & buckling

 Optimum relative humidity range to minimize harmful contaminants*

(a decrease in bar height indicates a decrease in effect for each of the items)
Optimum relative humidity range to minimize harmful contaminants

*ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineers


"the weather channelStep outside on a summer day, and it's easy to feel the effects of humidity—sticky skin, a sweaty brow, air thick with moisture. But when it comes to humidity inside, "humidity promotes mold growth and dust mite population growth. Both are significant indoor allergens and can set off allergic sensitivity and can trigger rhinitis and asthma," said Dr. Michael Ruff, an allergist.
If the presence of mold or dust mites sends you for a tissue or your doctor's office, then keeping the humidity inside your home at 50% or lower may provide some relief, said Ruff.
"High humidity in a home can cause rot. And, especially in the South, it draws pests." —Jill Mayfield, information Coordinator for Austin Green Building Program.
environmental health perspectives
Study: Mold in Homes Doubles Risk of Asthma
"Exposure to mold and dampness in homes as much as doubles the risk of asthma development in children", says Dr. Jim Burkhart. "Anyone with young children in the home should be aware of the potentially harmful effects of long-term exposure to mold and this potential link to asthma in children," —published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
national sleep foundation
"It is Hot . . . or Humid Enough for You?
Remember the common summer complaint: it's not the heat, it's the humidity? If excess humidity is a problem, consider a dehumidifier."


Whole-Home Dehumidifier Systems

Works together with air conditioning during hot/humid times

- AND -

Controls humidity in damp/musty basements & crawlspaces.


Whole-Home Dehumidifier Systems

Works together with air conditioning during hot/humid times.


Runs independent of air conditioning on mild, but humid days.
