3 Ways Furnaces and Boilers Can Place Your Home at Risk If you have an older furnace or boiler, carbon monoxide poisoning risks are heightened by…
- Loose vent pipes
- Fatigued metal that cracks
- Corrosion from condensation
6 Danger Signs You Can Observe If you observe any of the following warning signs, get a professional to perform an inspection immediately…
- Rust or water streaks on your furnace vent or chimney
- Loose or missing furnace panels
- Soot or debris in or around your furnace or boiler
- Loose or disconnected vent pipes
- Loose masonry on masonry chimneys
- Moisture inside your windows
5 Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Carbon monoxide is tasteless, odorless, and colorless. Life threatening levels of carbon monoxide poisoning may be present if you experience the following…
- Severe headaches
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Nausea
- Faintness
4 Symptoms of Mild Carbon Monoxide Poisoning The signs of mild levels of carbon monoxide poisoning include…
- Shortness of breath
- Mild nausea
- Mild headaches
- Flu symptoms that disappear when leaving home and come back after returning home
4 Immediate Action Steps if You Suspect Carbon Monoxide Poisoning If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, immediately…
- Open doors and windows
- Turn off the combustion appliances
- Leave the home
- Go to an emergency room and tell the doctor you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning. A blood test administered soon after the exposure to carbon monoxide can provide confirmation
2 Sources of Additional Information For more information on carbon monoxide poisoning, contact…
- EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse at 800.438.4318
- Consumer Product Safety Commission at 800.638.2772.
3 Problems You Cannot See It is recommended that you hire a professional to conduct a safety check on your heating system each Autumn to check for…
- Internal damage to your equipment
- Malfunctioning components
- Hidden blockage or damage in the vent or chimney